Wednesday, April 27, 2016


Ascii - image

enter image description here

Ascii - text

|Decimal  Octal  Hex   Binary     Value     Addition                             |
|-------  -----  ---   ------     -----     --------                             |
|000      000    000   00000000   NUL       (Null char.)                         |
|001      001    001   00000001   SOH       (Start of Header)                    |
|002      002    002   00000010   STX       (Start of Text)                      |
|003      003    003   00000011   ETX       (End of Text)                        |
|004      004    004   00000100   EOT       (End of Transmission)                |
|005      005    005   00000101   ENQ       (Enquiry)                            |
|006      006    006   00000110   ACK       (Acknowledgment)                     |
|007      007    007   00000111   BEL       (Bell)                               |
|008      010    008   00001000   BS        (Backspace)                          |
|009      011    009   00001001   HT        (Horizontal Tab)                     |
|010      012    00A   00001010   LF        (Line Feed)                          |
|011      013    00B   00001011   VT        (Vertical Tab)                       |
|012      014    00C   00001100   FF        (Form Feed)                          |
|013      015    00D   00001101   CR        (Carriage Return)                    |
|014      016    00E   00001110   SO        (Shift Out)                          |
|015      017    00F   00001111   SI        (Shift In)                           |
|016      020    010   00010000   DLE       (Data Link Escape)                   |
|017      021    011   00010001   DC1       (XON)(Device Control 1)              |
|018      022    012   00010010   DC2       (Device Control 2)                   |
|019      023    013   00010011   DC3       (XOFF)(Device Control 3)             |
|020      024    014   00010100   DC4       (Device Control 4)                   |
|021      025    015   00010101   NAK       (Negative Acknowledgement)           |
|022      026    016   00010110   SYN       (Synchronous Idle)                   |
|023      027    017   00010111   ETB       (End of Trans. Block)                |
|024      030    018   00011000   CAN       (Cancel)                             |
|025      031    019   00011001   EM        (End of Medium)                      |
|026      032    01A   00011010   SUB       (Substitute)                         |
|027      033    01B   00011011   ESC       (Escape)                             |
|028      034    01C   00011100   FS        (File Separator)                     |
|029      035    01D   00011101   GS        (Group Separator)                    |
|030      036    01E   00011110   RS        (Request to Send)(Record Separator)  |
|031      037    01F   00011111   US        (Unit Separator)                     |
|032      040    020   00100000   SP        (Space)                              |
|033      041    021   00100001   !         (exclamation mark)                   |
|034      042    022   00100010   "         (double quote)                       |
|035      043    023   00100011   #         (number sign)                        |
|036      044    024   00100100   $         (dollar sign)                        |
|037      045    025   00100101   %         (percent)                            |
|038      046    026   00100110   &         (ampersand)                          |
|039      047    027   00100111   '         (single quote)                       |
|040      050    028   00101000   (         (left/opening parenthesis)           |
|041      051    029   00101001   )         (right/closing parenthesis)          |
|042      052    02A   00101010   *         (asterisk)                           |
|043      053    02B   00101011   +         (plus)                               |
|044      054    02C   00101100   ,         (comma)                              |
|045      055    02D   00101101   -         (minus or dash)                      |
|046      056    02E   00101110   .         (dot)                                |
|047      057    02F   00101111   /         (forward slash)                      |
|048      060    030   00110000   0                                              |
|049      061    031   00110001   1                                              |
|050      062    032   00110010   2                                              |
|051      063    033   00110011   3                                              |
|052      064    034   00110100   4                                              |
|053      065    035   00110101   5                                              |
|054      066    036   00110110   6                                              |
|055      067    037   00110111   7                                              |
|056      070    038   00111000   8                                              |
|057      071    039   00111001   9                                              |
|058      072    03A   00111010   :         (colon)                              |
|059      073    03B   00111011   ;         (semi-colon)                         |
|060      074    03C   00111100   <         (less than)                          |
|061      075    03D   00111101   =         (equal sign)                         |
|062      076    03E   00111110   >         (greater than)                       |
|063      077    03F   00111111   ?         (question mark)                      |
|064      100    040   01000000   @         (AT symbol)                          |
|065      101    041   01000001   A                                              |
|066      102    042   01000010   B                                              |
|067      103    043   01000011   C                                              |
|068      104    044   01000100   D                                              |
|069      105    045   01000101   E                                              |
|070      106    046   01000110   F                                              |
|071      107    047   01000111   G                                              |
|072      110    048   01001000   H                                              |
|073      111    049   01001001   I                                              |
|074      112    04A   01001010   J                                              |
|075      113    04B   01001011   K                                              |
|076      114    04C   01001100   L                                              |
|077      115    04D   01001101   M                                              |
|078      116    04E   01001110   N                                              |
|079      117    04F   01001111   O                                              |
|080      120    050   01010000   P                                              |
|081      121    051   01010001   Q                                              |
|082      122    052   01010010   R                                              |
|083      123    053   01010011   S                                              |
|084      124    054   01010100   T                                              |
|085      125    055   01010101   U                                              |
|086      126    056   01010110   V                                              |
|087      127    057   01010111   W                                              |
|088      130    058   01011000   X                                              |
|089      131    059   01011001   Y                                              |
|090      132    05A   01011010   Z                                              |
|091      133    05B   01011011   [         (left/opening bracket)               |
|092      134    05C   01011100   \         (back slash)                         |
|093      135    05D   01011101   ]         (right/closing bracket)              |
|094      136    05E   01011110   ^         (caret/cirumflex)                    |
|095      137    05F   01011111   _         (underscore)                         |
|096      140    060   01100000   `                                              |
|097      141    061   01100001   a                                              |
|098      142    062   01100010   b                                              |
|099      143    063   01100011   c                                              |
|100      144    064   01100100   d                                              |
|101      145    065   01100101   e                                              |
|102      146    066   01100110   f                                              |
|103      147    067   01100111   g                                              |
|104      150    068   01101000   h                                              |
|105      151    069   01101001   i                                              |
|106      152    06A   01101010   j                                              |
|107      153    06B   01101011   k                                              |
|108      154    06C   01101100   l                                              |
|109      155    06D   01101101   m                                              |
|110      156    06E   01101110   n                                              |
|111      157    06F   01101111   o                                              |
|112      160    070   01110000   p                                              |
|113      161    071   01110001   q                                              |
|114      162    072   01110010   r                                              |
|115      163    073   01110011   s                                              |
|116      164    074   01110100   t                                              |
|117      165    075   01110101   u                                              |
|118      166    076   01110110   v                                              |
|119      167    077   01110111   w                                              |
|120      170    078   01111000   x                                              |
|121      171    079   01111001   y                                              |
|122      172    07A   01111010   z                                              |
|123      173    07B   01111011   {         (left/opening brace)                 |
|124      174    07C   01111100   |         (vertical bar)                       |
|125      175    07D   01111101   }         (right/closing brace)                |
|126      176    07E   01111110   ~         (tilde)                              |
|127      177    07F   01111111   DEL       (delete)                             |

[C Language Data Type]
|변수형                   키워드          바이트수    범위                       |
|------                   ------          --------    ----                       |
|문자형                   char            1           -128 ~ 127                 |
|정수형                   int             2           -32,768 ~ 32,767           |
|short정수형              short           2           -32,768 ~ 32,767           |
|long 정수형              long            4           -2147483648 ~ 2147483647   |
|부호 없는 문자형         unsigned char   1           0 ~ 255                    |
|부호 없는 정수형         unsigned int    2           0 ~ 65535                  |
|부호 없는 short 정수형   unsigned short  2           0 ~ 65535                  |
|부호 없는 long 정수형    unsigned long   4           0 ~ 4294967295             |
|단정도 부동 소수형       float           4           1.2E-38 ~ 3.4E38(지수1)    |
|배정도 부동 소수형       double          8           2.2E-308 ~ 1.8E308(지수2)  |

[C Language Escape Sequences]
|Escape Sequence          Character                                              |
|---------------          ---------                                              |
|\a                       Bell (speaker beeps)                                   |
|\b                       Backspace (non-erase)                                  |
|\f                       Form feed/clear screen                                 |
|\n                       New line                                               |
|\r                       Carriage Return                                        |
|\t                       Tab                                                    |
|\v                       Vertical tab                                           |
|\\                       Backslash                                              |
|\?                       Question mark                                          |
|\'                       Single quote                                           |
|\"                       Double quote                                           |
|\xnn                     Hexadecimal character code nn                          |
|\onn                     Octal character code nn                                |
|\nn                      Octal character code nn                                |

[getsockopt / setsockopt 에서의 소켓 선택 사항의 요약]
|level            optname                 get  set  Description                                   Flag   Datatype        |
|-----            -------                 ---  ---  -----------                                   ----   --------        |
|SOL_SOCKET       SO_BROADCAST            *    *    permit sending of broadcast datagrams         *      int             |
|                 SO_DEBUG                *    *    enable debug tracing                          *      int             |
|                 SO_DONTROUTE            *    *    bypass routing table lookup                   *      int             |
|                 SO_ERROR                *         get pending error and clear                          int             |
|                 SO_KEEPALIVE            *    *    periodically test if connection still alive   *      int             |
|                 SO_LINGER               *    *    linger on close if data to send                      linger{}        |
|                 SO_OOBINLINE            *    *    leave received out-of-band data inline        *      int             |
|                 SO_RCVBUF               *    *    receive buffer size                                  int             |
|                 SO_SNDBUF               *    *    send buffer size                                     int             |
|                 SO_RCVLOWAT             *    *    receive buffer lov-water mark                        int             |
|                 SO_SNDLOWAT             *    *    send buffer low-water mark                           int             |
|                 SO_RCVTIMEO             *    *    receive timeout                                      timeval{}       |
|                 SO_SNDTIMEO             *    *    send timeout                                         timeval{}       |
|                 SO_REUSEADDR            *    *    allow local address reuse                     *      int             |
|                 SO_REUSEPORT            *    *    allow local address reuse                     *      int             |
|                 SO_TYPE                 *         get socket type                                      int             |
|                 SO_USELOOPBACK          *    *    routing socket gets copy of what it sends     *      int             |
|                                                                                                                        |
|IPPROTO_IP       IP_HDRINCL              *    *    IP header included with data                  *      int             |
|                 IP_OPTIONS              *    *    IP header options                                    (see text)      |
|                 IP_RECVDSTADDR          *    *    return destination IP address                 *      int             |
|                 IP_RECVIF               *    *    return received interface index               *      int             |
|                 IP_TOS                  *    *    type-of-service and precedence                       int             |
|                 IP_TTL                  *    *    time-to-live                                         int             |
|                                                                                                                        |
|                 IP_MULTICAST_IF         *    *    specify outgoing interface                           in_addr{}       |
|                 IP_MULTICAST_TTL        *    *    specify outgogin TTL                                 u_char          |
|                 IP_MULTICAST_LOOP       *    *    specify loopback                                     u_char          |
|                 IP_ADD_MEMBERSHIP            *    join a multicast group                               ip_mreq{}       |
|                 IP_DROP_MEMBERSHIP           *    leave a multicast group                              ip_mreq{}       |
|                                                                                                                        |
|IPPROTO_ICMPV6   ICMP6_FILTER            *    *    specify ICMPv6 message types to pass                 icmp6_filter{}  |
|                                                                                                                        |
|IPPROTO_IPV6     IPV6_ADDRFORM           *    *    change address format of socket                      int             |
|                 IPV6_CHECKSUM           *    *    offset of checksum field for raw sockets             int             |
|                 IPV6_DSTOPTS            *    *    receive destination options                   *      int             |
|                 IPV6_HOPLIMIT           *    *    receive unicast hop limit                     *      int             |
|                 IPV6_HOPOPTS            *    *    receive hop-by-hop options                    *      int             |
|                 IPV6_NEXTHOP            *    *    specify next-hop address                      *      sockaddr{}      |
|                 IPV6_PKTINFO            *    *    receive packet information                    *      int             |
|                 IPV6_PKTOPTIONS         *    *    specify packet options                               (see text)      |
|                 IPV6_RTHDR              *    *    receive source route                          *      int             |
|                 IPV6_UNICAST_HOPS       *    *    default unicast hop limit                            int             |
|                                                                                                                        |
|                 IPV6_MULTICAST_IF       *    *    specify outgoing interface                           in6_addr{}      |
|                 IPV6_MULTICAST_HOPS     *    *    specify outgoing hop limit                           u_int           |
|                 IPV6_MULTICAST_LOOP     *    *    specify loopback                              *      u_int           |
|                 IPV6_ADD_MEMBERSHIP          *    join a multicast group                               ipv6_mreq{}     |
|                 IPV6_DROP_MEMBERSHIP         *    leave a multicast group                              ipv6_mreq{}     |
|                                                                                                                        |
|IPPROTO_TCP      TCP_KEEPALIVE           *    *    seconds between keepalive probes                     int             |
|                 TCP_MAXRT               *    *    TCP maximum retransmit time                          int             |
|                 TCP_MAXSEG              *    *    TCP maximum segment size                             int             |
|                 TCP_NODELAY             *    *    disable Nale algorithm                        *      int             |
|                 TCP_STDURG              *    *    interprotation of urgent pointer              *      int             |

|                                                                                                |
| [Only gcc]                                                                                     |
|                                                                                                |
| 키워드                    바이트수    범위                                                     |
| long long                 8           -9,223,372,036,854,775,807 ~ 9,223,372,036,854,775,807   |
| unsigned long long        8           9223372036854775807LL                                    |
|                                                                                                |
|                                                                                                |
| [비트 연산]                                                                                    |
|                                                                                                |
| SHIFT 연산 (<<, >>)                                                                            |
| value << shift : 2의 shift승을 value에 곱하기 ( 2 << 4 = 2 * (2의 4승) )                       |
| value >> shift : value / 2의 shift승  ( 18 >> 4 = 18 / (2의 4승) )                             |
|                                                                                                |
| OR 연산 (|)                                                                                    |
| 00 11 00 11                                                                                    |
| 00 00 00 11                                                                                    |
| -----------                                                                                    |
| 00 11 00 11                                                                                    |
|                                                                                                |
| NOT 연산 (~)                                                                                   |
| 00 11 00 11                                                                                    |
| -----------                                                                                    |
| 11 00 11 00                                                                                    |
|                                                                                                |
| XOR 연산 (^)                                                                                   |
| 00 11 00 11                                                                                    |
| 00 00 00 11                                                                                    |
| -----------                                                                                    |
| 00 11 00 00                                                                                    |
|                                                                                                |
| AND 연산 (&)                                                                                   |
| 00 11 00 11                                                                                    |
| 00 00 00 11                                                                                    |
| -----------                                                                                    |
| 00 00 00 11                                                                                    |

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